Rome and Lazio

Everything related to Rome, it's people, places and culture

Traffic, scooters, Rome
The Popes Gardens, Vatican city
Stained glass, the Vatican, Rome
St Peter's square, Vatican, Rome
St Peter's square, Vatican, Rome (2)
St Peter's square, Vatican, Rome (1)
St Peter's square with obelisk, Vatican, Rome
St Peter's square with fountain, Vatican, Rome
St Peter's detail, Vatican, Rome
Sistine chapel, Vatican, Rome
Sistine chapel, Vatican, Rome (1)
Sistine chapel, roof and wall, Vatican, Rome
Sistine chapel, Michelangelo's Last Judgement, Vatican, Rome
Raphael fresco, Vatican, Rome
Raphael fresco, Vatican, Rome (1)
Map room, Vatican museum, Rome
Guard, Vatican city, Rome
Wooden motorbike, Rome
Victor Emmanuel monument, Rome
Victor Emmanuel monument, Rome (1)
Victor Emmanual monument, Rome (1)
Tram, Rome
Taxis, Rome Airport
Tabachi shop, Rome