Brass Prayer Wheels and figurines of Buddha, Swayambhunath Temple on hilltop west of Kathmandu, Nepal. Prayer Wheels contain prayers and each clockwise revolution is considered as an uttered prayer mantra
Eight Land Rovers in convoy, Tiska, northern TNR sand sea, central Sahara Desert, Algeria Niger Border. Having identical vehicles saves the weight of spares and spare wheels to be carried.
Inuit deep sea fishing for Halibut through holes in sea ice, Quernalursavik in East Greenland. Sledges are lightweight and flexible for use in the mountains.
Dog sledge crossing interface between land and sea where the ice has broken up as the tide goes out near Quernerdorsalic. Some dogs are hobbled in case the sledge breaks through the ice and the driver is thrown off.
Dog sledging near Tiniteqil in East Greenland. The dogs are smaller than those on the west coast, sledges are lightweight and flexible for use in the mountains. The dogs are on individual traces known as a fan formation.
Group sitting in shade to admire rock frescoes (paintings) at Tanzoumaitak on the Tassili n' Ajjer plateau, above Djanet, central Sahara Desert, Algeria, Africa