Jubilee line platform inside Westminster tube station
Inside Westminster tube station escalators to the Jubilee line
Man on mobile phone
Marching to the sound of a different drum
Muslims protesting at Peace march
Man with loudspeaker in crowd at peace march
Man with anti Isreali sticker on forehead at Freedom for Palestine march
Stop USA World domination placard at anti war protest
Stop the war banner
Sign at anti war march that says 'No'
Sea of Banners at Anti war protest
NOT IN MY NAME signs at anti war rally
Modern BT phone kiosks and lit advertising panel inside Westminster tube station
Unison Trade Union banner at anti war protest
News team filming at anti war protest
Anti War protestors with Big Ben behind
Anti war protestors streaming down Whitehall
Anti war protestors outside Parliament (3)
Anti War protestors outside Parliament (2)
Anti War protestors outside Parliament (1)
Anti war protestors marching
Anti war protestors holding a stop the war placard
Anti War protesters outside Parliament
Anti war placards and banners