Couple man and woman in embrace and kissing
Businesswoman, young, in suit
Businesswoman, thirties, confident leaning on chair back
Businesswoman, thirties, banking type
Businesswoman, thirties with ginger hair, executive, casual
Businesswoman, forties, brunette green eyes
Businesswoman in early twenties with hair tied back
Businessmen, thirties, team
Businessman, twenties, white shirt with large rimmed glasses
Businessman, twenties, estate agent type
Businessman standing with clipboard, officious
Businessman leaning on hand
Businessman in forties, standing in suit full length
Businessman in fifties, aloof and apprehensive
Boy, six, plaited hair
Boy, Sikh
Boy, sad young arab with afro hair
Boy, little, in traditional African costume
Boy, blonde hair, blue eyes, jug ears
Boy with short blonde hair
Boy making faces
Boy in hat with Teddy Bear
Boy in choirboy shirt
Boy and girl holding hands