Stonehenge, Heel Stone
Stonehenge, Horseshoe of Trilithons from South Barrow
Stonehenge, Silhouette of north side
Stonehenge, south west side, Horseshoe of Trilithons
Stonehenge, Trilithon
Stonehenge, Trilithon detail
Visitors to Stonehenge
Yeovil town
Yeovil town centre
Bridge over troubled waters, Dartmoor
Burnt out cars on Dartmoor
Burrator reservoir, Dartmoor
Dam, Burrator reservior, Dartmoor
Horses drinking, Dartmoor
Obelisk, Dartmoor
Open cast mining community, Dartmoor
Ponies, Dartmoor
Sheep resting, Dartmoor
waggon wheels beside shed
Young archer
Lady archers
disabled athelete