
Israel is the Jewish state in the middle east that borders Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan.

the Dome of the Rock, Old city of Jerusalem. Called by Europeans, the Mosque of Omar (Umar). The earliest remaining Islamic monument. On Haram es-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary, or Temple Mount (1)
the Dome of the Rock, Old city of Jerusalem. Called by Europeans, the Mosque of Omar (Umar). The earliest remaining Islamic monument. On Haram es-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary, or Temple Mount
Couple visiting the Dome of the Rock, Old city of Jerusalem. Called by Europeans, the Mosque of Omar (Umar). The earliest remaining Islamic monument. On Haram es-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary, or Temple Mount.
The Citadel of Jerusalem, better known as the Tower of David. Distinguished by its Islamic towers. Jewish historian Josephus called the fortress the
Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), Dolphin Reef, Eilat, Gulf of Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Israel Red Sea, Indian Ocean. - 4 divers in the background
Couple covered in black Dead Sea mud and salts that are claimed to have therapeutic healing properties beneficial for healthy skin as well as medical conditions including dry skin, acne, eczema, and psoriasis, Ein Gedi Spa Israel (Judean Desert)
Sphinx and pyramid of Chephren, Giza, Cairo, Egypt
Videoing snorkelling with Bottlenose dolphins, (Tursiops truncatus), Dolphin Reef, Eilat
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