Christopher Biggins British Actor
Charles Dance the British Film, Stage and TV actor (1)
Charles Dance the British Film, Stage and TV actor
Bill Nighy BAFTA winning English actor of television and theatre (2)
Bill Nighy BAFTA winning English actor of television and theatre (1)
Bill Nighy BAFTA winning English actor of television and theatre
Andy Serkis who played Gollum in The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy (1)
Andy Serkis who played Gollum in The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy
Alan Rickman (2)
Alan Rickman (1)
Alan Rickman
Melinda Messenger page three model (3)
Melinda Messenger page three model (2)
Melinda Messenger page three model (1)
Melinda Messenger page three model
Katie Price, AKA "Jordan" one time page three model, now turned, singer and British TV presenter.
Katie Price, AKA Jordan (1)
Katie Price, AKA Jordan
Abi Titmus, model, TV presenter, former nurse who came to fame through a kiss and tell scandal
Kate Adie British TV News presenter
Andrew Neil, former editor of the Times and now TV political commentator
Des Lynam TV sports Presenter (4)
Des Lynam TV sports Presenter (3)
Des Lynam TV sports Presenter (2)