Part of the mosaic floor at the Diaconicon Baptistery, Syagha, ancient Pisgah, the chapel at Mount Nebo, Jordan. Middle East
Part of the mosaic floor at the Diaconicon Baptistery, Syagha, ancient Pisgah, the chapel at Mount Nebo, Jordan. Middle East.
Part of the mosaic floor at the Diaconicon Baptistery, Syagha, ancient Pisgah, the chapel at Mount Nebo, Jordan. Middle East.
Superstructure of the Nanshin Maru wreck Black Island, Coron Island, Palawan, Philippines, Pacific Ocean
Superstructure of the Nanshin Maru wreck covered in mixed corals and sponges + black coral + growth and fish, Black Island, Coron Island, Palawan, Philippines, Pacific Ocean. Black Island wreck. Sulu Sea
Toyota truck from deck of Blue Belt wreck, Shab Suadi Reef, 2399 Gross Tons. sunk December 5th 1978, Sudanese Red Sea. Indian Ocean
Woman looking through the window into the bathroom behind the bridge on the Umbria Wreck (1)
Woman looking through the window into the bathroom behind the bridge on the Umbria Wreck
Woman diving on the Umbria Wreck, Port Sudan, Wingate Reefs, Sudanese Red Sea. Indian Ocean
Street scene, Krakow, Poland
Street scene, Krakow, Poland
The old Jewish quarter, Krakow, Poland
The old Jewish quarter, Krakow, Poland
The old Jewish quarter, Krakow, Poland
The old Jewish quarter, Krakow, Poland
Auschwitz (6)
Auschwitz (5)
Auschwitz (4)
Auschwitz, plaque
Auschwitz (3)
Auschwitz (2)
Auschwitz, 'Arbeit Macht Frei' sign (work makes freedom)
Auschwitz (1)
Auschwitz ovens