White caucasian

Man, fifties, profile, double chin
Man, fifties, bearded, university professor type
Girl, age three and baby brother
Girl under five with pink hairband
Girl age three in school uniform with false smile
Girl, teens, skinny and pretty (1)
Girl, teens, skinny and pretty
Family, man, woman and small baby
Couple, man and woman in thirties, happy together
Couple in thirties, man with glasses, both happy
Couple, boy and girl in late teens looking at each other whispering
Couple, twenties, man is Army officer, woman adoring
Couple man and woman in embrace and kissing
Businesswoman, young, in suit
Businesswoman, thirties, confident leaning on chair back
Businesswoman, thirties, banking type
Businesswoman, thirties with ginger hair, executive, casual
Businesswoman, forties, brunette green eyes
Businesswoman in early twenties with hair tied back
Businessman, twenties, estate agent type
Businessman in fifties, aloof and apprehensive
Boy, blonde hair, blue eyes, jug ears
Boy with short blonde hair
Boy with pudding basin haircut